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Longevity AI Consortium at

King's College London

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Aging Analytics Agency is the world’s premier provider of industry analytics on the topics of Longevity, Precision Preventive Medicine and Economics of Ageing, renowned for its development of sophisticated comparative analytical frameworks allowing for practical and tangible forecasts to be applied to industries that are otherwise too complex for standard analytical approaches to be used in a relevant way. The company provides strategic consulting services in fields relating to Longevity, and currently serves as the primary source of analytics and data for the UK All-Party Parliamentary Group for Longevity.


Longevity International is a social enterprise bringing together start-ups, industry, academic and governmental stakeholders under one umbrella to provide a unified voice and coordinating vehicle for positive discourse and change to ensure the ‘longevity dividend’ is accessible to everyone.


Biogerontology Research Foundation is the UK’s charity focused on Longevity and on expediting the coming paradigm shift from disease treatment to personalized precision prevention. It was the main initial donor that provided financial and organisational support to Longevity International UK for the purpose of establishing the APPG for Longevity. It was also actively involved in the successful initiative of adding a new extension code for “ageing-related diseases” accepted in 2018 by the World Health Organization during the last revisions of its International Classification of Diseases framework.

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Insilico Medicine developed a comprehensive drug discovery engine, which utilizes millions of samples and multiple data types to discover signatures of disease and identify the most promising targets for billions of molecules that already exist or can be generated de novo with the desired set of parameters.

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